Thursday, July 17, 2008

And on it goes.

Do you ever feel so energized about a subject and not know what to do with it? I'm getting that feeling a lot more in my older age than I used to. I train people to work in the field of Developmental Disabilities and have acquired so many soap box issues that it's becoming more and more difficult for me to stay on the task of training and not lapse into lecturing. I was doing just a simple orientation today and got to the subject of disability rights... I don't know what happened, but after about 25 (to me short)minutes of talking I realized that my class was looking at me like I was about to attack them. I really didn't realize that my voice had gotten sterner and louder and that my face probably looked like a scolding parent when I explained that people with DD have exactly the same rights that people without do, we just forget that sometimes in the field of human services and start doing things for peoples "own good". I guess I'm gonna have to watch that. Later one of the people in my class came up to me and told me that she had never seen anyone get so intense about a subject in a class before. I get the same way when I talk about treating people with dignity and respect. I get the same oh my she's gonna pounce on us at any minute looks.. lol... oh well.... at least I have their attention for a little while.